Friday, December 17, 2010

Top 5 Canceled Shows You Need to Watch

With the age of DVDs and now even digitally streaming media via sites like Netflix Instant Watch and Hulu, it's easier than ever to watch older shows that are already canceled. So I thought I would share a few of my favorites with y'all.

1) Firefly

This is by far my favorite canceled show ever. In fact, it might be my second favorite show ever right behind Chuck. It's kinda like a Sci-Fi/Western hybrid and it's got Nathan Fillion who oozes with awesomeness. It's got a great story to it. It only lasted for 14 episodes, then a full-feature film was made a few years later called Serenity. It's available on DVD, Netflix Instant Watch and Hulu Plus, so go watch the goram show now without delay!

2) Arrested Development

This show is hilarious if you possess a certain kind of sense of humor. I happen to have that kind of humor, so I love this show. It lasted for 3 seasons and there has been talks of a movie being made for quite some time, if Michael Cera will ever agree to it.

3) Journeyman

I doubt any of you have even heard of this show. It was on NBC and launched the same time as Chuck. Journeyman wasn't as fortunate though and it was canceled after just 13 episodes. It's about a man who involuntarily travels through time at random. He just disappears from wherever he currently is and lands in another time period as himself. It gets interesting a couple times when he crosses paths with himself. It's also great if you like music of the 80s and 90s.

4) Avatar: The Last Airbender

Ok, so this show wasn't really canceled. It had a specific story to tell and they knew the amount of time it would take to tell it. It's 3 seasons long, and yes, it is a cartoon. If you've seen the movie by M. Night Shyamalamadingdong, ignore it. From everything I've heard, it's a far cry from the show. The show has such great humor that was apparently lost in the movie, so you definitely want to give it a shot. I was skeptical when Hubby suggested it to me, but I ended up loving it.

5) Alf

I'm not sure if this was actually canceled or not, but the point is, it's not on the air anymore. I'm quite certain all of you know what Alf is, so I'll spare you the explanation. But seriously, it's one of very few shows from my childhood that I still enjoy now. Most of the shows I loved when I was a kid are painful to watch now. Alf is not. In fact, it's probably even funnier to me now than it was back then because I understand a lot more of the jokes.

So when you have some free time, vacation, sick, whatever, look these shows up and watch them. All 5 of them are available on Netflix or hulu and can probably be found elsewhere.

1 comment:

  1. I really miss Firefly. What a brilliant show, completely bent over by Fox.
