Yeah, yeah. I am still alive. Apologies for the lack of posting for...3 months. Woops.
So what have I been up to? Well, my initial reason for not posting was just because I got very busy with school. That quarter is over though. Since I last posted, we bought a new car, I've lost about 15 pounds, I got accepted to grad school, and I've been pumping up my geek cred.
How have I been pumping up my geek cred? Well, I had dabbled in the world of comics and superheros for a while. I always appreciated superhero movies. My first date with Hubby was to see Iron Man and that was my choice. But a few weeks ago, Hubby insisted that I watch the Justice League cartoons because I reminded him of Hawk Girl. 2 seasons of JL and 2 seasons of JL Unlimited later, I can see the resemblance. In the midst of all that watching though, I fell in superhero crush love with The Flash/Wally West and my appreciation for Batman grew exponentially. After finishing that show, I started watching the old Batman animated series. The one from the early 90s. I actually watched it occasionally back when it was originally on, but I didn't appreciate it as much then. Great show. I've also started reading comics thanks to the push from Free Comic Book Day. I'm looking for some good comics to start reading on a regular basis especially if it involves The Flash or Batman.
So anyway, I might try to start posting regularly again. Maybe. I can't make any promises because, well...this is my first post in 3 months. Time will tell. Even if I'm not posting though, I'm still out there reading all my fave blogs. Btw, congrats to Jumble Mash on her new engagement.
Until next time, whenever that may be, I bid you adieu.